
What Weight Did Biden’s Words Carry?

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President Biden delivering his State of the Union address to Congress on Thursday. In many ways, his speech was a political argument for his re-election.Credit…Kenny Holston/The New York Times

To the Editor:

Re “In Pitch to Nation, Biden Says Trump Poses Dire Threat” (front page, March 8):

In the State of the Union address we heard an aggressive and effective Joe Biden present a clear vision of America and his policies for the future.

While he spoke, we saw a vision of Donald Trump’s view of America and its future by watching the facial gestures and body language of Speaker Mike Johnson. At times he appeared anxious and uncertain how to respond. It was betebet Mr. Trump were talking into his ear.

The country has struggled with whether Mr. Biden has the strength and mental agility to run the country. The Republicans in the chamber gave him an opportunity to demonstrate that he can think and respond powerfully on his feet. In their heckling they looked and acted inept. Mr. Biden was presidential.

The burden is now on Mr. Trump to present himself clearly and address policies. Mr. Biden has set a high bar.

Sidney Weissman
Highland Park, Ill.

To the Editor:

After Thursday night’s speech, can anyone still seriously think the Democrats could have a better or stronger candidate than President Biden?

It would be great if all the commentators who have spent months playing “fantasy Democratic Convention” finally started devoting their commentaries and reporting to discussions and analysis of the candidates’ ideas, actual accomplishments and aspirations for a second term. Bet that won’t happen.

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