
Democrats Need Their Own Project 2025

As far as campaign slogans go, President Biden’s oft-repeated phrase “Finish the job” isn’t exactly galvanizing. “Finish the job” is a patient gardener determinedly clipping away at that final hedge. It’s an accountant hunched over the last page of his trusty ledger.

It looks backward rather than forward.

And this isn’t 2020. The domestic and global situation Biden inherited from the Trump administration has changed radically, with significant economic, technological, environmental and global political developments that are only accelerating. Biden continues to say “We need to do more,” but what he hasn’t said is more what.

Biden’s first term has seen significant achievements on climate, the economy and infrastructure. But tying up loose ends on Biden’s first term isn’t enough to rouse Democrats, independents and Never Trump Republicans, regardless of whether Biden is the party’s candidate.

What the Democratic Party needs is its own version of Project 2025, the nearly 900-page blueprint put forth by the Heritage Foundation, a right-wing think tank whose stated goal is “institutionalizing Trumpism.” A tighter and brighter version that gets Democrats off their back feet and articulates goals that go beyond defeating Trumpism.

Such a plan would address issues meaningful to all Americans — but especially to those Americans who don’t see the powerful impact government can have on their safety, economic security, families and futures. One that offers some Obama-era optimism, that lapsed sense that the country was moving in the right direction and the government exists to serve us.

According to a 2024 Pew survey, Americans’ top policy priorities are “strengthening the economy,” “defending against terrorism,” “reducing the influence of money in politics,” “reducing health care costs,” “improving education,” “making social security financially sound,” “dealing with immigration” and “reducing the availability of illegal drugs.”

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